Exploring Opportunities and Challenges for Cross-Border Labour Market Integration: Insights from the Beyond Borders Breakfast Debate Series

The 12th edition of our Beyond Borders: Breakfast Debate Series took place on Wednesday, 13 July, and gathered policymakers, experts, and representatives of EU institutions to discuss ‘How to further integrate labour markets across borders.’ More than 80 people from 20 EU countries joined the webinar online. They engaged in fruitful conversations around the opportunities and benefits that eliminating border challenges in cross-border areas could bring by illustrating good practices and debating the way forward for European efforts.   

The panel of speakers included senior DG REGIO expert Olivier Baudelet, EURES/ELA head of sector Balázs Lengyel, Policy adviser to the Benelux Union Guus de Bruijn, Project Manager of the Border People project Annmarie O’Kane and Prof Lukáš Novotný. Each speaker contributed their unique perspectives to the discussion. 


Mr. Olivier Baudelet initiated the debate by introducing the goals and priorities of the Commission in relation to further cross-border labour market integration. He also explained the benefits that the EU and border regions can enjoy in achieving said further integration. The discussion continued with Balázs Lengyel, who focused on the critical role of EURES and the ELA in facilitating cross-border labour mobility and the policy orientation that these organisations follow. Annmarie O’Kane then took over and identified the limitations employees and employers face in the border region of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland and how the Border People project assists them, especially in the context of the dual border-re-invigoration processes the region recently had to go through (Brexit and Covid-19).  


Guus de Bruijn shared information on the Benelux Union experience by briefly highlighting the Union’s history and further focusing on how the region enables further labour market integration, such as through the Treaty for Automatic Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications.  

Picture 2

Finally, Lukáš Novotný discussed research findings about cross-border workers in the Czech-German border areas during the Covid-19 border closures.   

During the initial round of presentations, the audience had the chance to participate in two polls to identify the primary obstacles faced by individuals seeking cross-border employment and employers looking to recruit from the other side of the border. The polls shed light on the varying constraints experienced by workers (language and cultural barriers, access to social protection & more), while employers primarily faced administrative issues, with these issues constituting 69% of all responses.  


Interested and want to learn more about the debate? Watch the recording here ?  

PPT Annmarie O'Kane
(3.77 MB - PPTX)
PPT Guus de Bruijn
(2.39 MB - PPTX)
PPT Lukas Novotny
(201.71 KB - PPTX)