Search in data/application/infrastructure catalogue through a UI or an API

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Simpl shall offer the possibility to the customer to provide search parameters through a UI or an API in order to find matching datasets in the Data/Application/Infrastructure Catalogue(s) by using a quick search: one or more words are entered to find datasets whose metadata contain these words or an advanced search: the search parameters are provided in a structured way, by providing for one or more of the metadata, the values to be searched (depending on the type of the metadata or its vocabulary).. Simpl shall return the list of catalogue entries within the data space: 
for which the Consumer is authorised to get access based on the related access policy and in accordance with the given consent. 
If the search is done through the UI, the results of the search should be displayed in an intuitive, user-friendly form. For instance, the results could be displayed in fields organized by data space, data catalogues, data attributes, in a way to guide further the Consumer towards to desired result. 
Additionally, the Consumer should be able to specify the order the results should be displayed in: e.g. by relevance, by date, by author etc.



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