Here, you’ll find a comprehensive list of past and upcoming events open to anyone interested in the Mission on Adaptation. You can also actively contribute by using the "Add Event" button to submit and promote your own events to the community.
The Mission Adaptation Community of Practice organizes its own events under monthly thematic focuses. These themes are related to the events directly hosted by MIP4Adapt, while other events organized by Mission Projects or external stakeholders may follow different focuses.
The Mission Adaptation Community of Practice organizes events under monthly thematic focuses. For the first two quarters of 2025, our themes and events are listed below.
- February: Buildings - The focus shifts to climate-proofing buildings and integrating innovative solutions. Events include: Building Back Better (11/02); Public procurement in buildings - organised with the collaboration of Mission Cities (20/02); Adaptation solutions in buildings - organised with the collaboration of Mission Cities (27/02)
- March: Adaptation Essentials - This month will continue with foundational topics on climate adaptation. Events include: Tips for Creating Your Awareness-Raising Campaigns (12/03); Assessing Climate Risks and Vulnerabilities – RAST Step 2 (20/03); Leveraging Funding for Climate Adaptation: Innovative Funding Options for Climate Adaptation Projects (26/03)
- April: Health and Human well-being - This month explores the intersection of health and climate. Events include: Heatwaves and Health – Joint event with REACHOUT (09/04); Joint workshop between Mission Adaptation and Mission Cancer (30/04)
- May: Adaptation Essentials - This month will once again go back to the foundational topics on climate adaptation. Events include: Learning from Best Practices in Living Labs for Adaptation (07/05); Matchmaking WP26 (28/05)
- June: Land Use and Food Systems - This month delves into sustainable land practices to promote resilience and sustainability in food systems. Events include: Regenerative Agriculture Practices (04/06); Urban Agriculture and Sustainable Land Planning (13/06); Joint Event with EU Mission Soil (25/06)
Detailed information about the events each month can be found below. Stay tuned for more themes and topics to be announced for the rest of the year!
Visit the Mission Portal for a list of upcoming industry events across Europe.
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