Digital Transition Akce 20Čer2017 Action Clusters Meeting - 20 June 2017 The EC has set a target to attract 1 billion euro of investment into innovative solutions for smart cities and communities, and sees the …
Urban Agenda for the EU Akce 22-24Zář2020 Portugal Smart Cities Summit, 22-24 September 2020 22-24 September 2020 - 10:00-19:00 Lisbon Congress Center The “Smart Cities” concept covers more than mobility, digital…
Urban Agenda for the EU Akce 30-02Zář-Říj2020 5th International Conference on Smart Data and Smart cities, 30 September - 2 October 2020 A smart city can be defined as a city overlaid by a digital skin, which is used not only for storing city information but overall for its governance…
Urban Agenda for the EU Akce 01Říj2020 Smart cities and Mobility Forum, 1 October 2020 Cities and technology in the 21st century are moving faster than the old systems of governance and analysis can follow. New ways of communicating,…
Urban Agenda for the EU Akce 09-10Říj2020 4th SmartBlueCity Euro-Mediterranean Conference, 9-10 October 2020, Athens - Greece The event for cities and islands in the Mediterranean region Learn about the challenges of smart and blue growth by listening to selected…
Urban Agenda for the EU Akce 13-15Říj2020 Intergeo Digital Conference 2020, 13-15 October INTERGEO CONFERENCE 2020 Geoinformation for a smarter World At the three-day CONFERENCE, around 100 speakers will report on the contribution…