Air Quality Akce 11Říj2017 Political Dialogue: Health at the Heart of the Urban Development Strategy, Brussels The political dialogue organised by the City of Utrecht and its partners as an official side event of the European Week of Regions and Cities 2017…
Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees Akce 08-11Říj2018 European Week of Regions and Cities, Brussels This year, the 16th edition will take place from 8 to 11 October 2018 in Brussels. During the week, representatives from…
Public Procurement Akce 08Říj2019 EWRC2019: "Strategic Public Procurement as a driver of change and growth in cities and regions" During the European Week of Cities and Regions 2019 (EWRC2019), the Innovative and Responsible Public Procurement Partnership will…
Security in Public Spaces Akce 09Říj2019 Partnership on Security Public Spaces: Workshop at 2019 European Week of Regions and Cities The workshop will provide an opportunity to discuss and exchange about the role of local authorities in the security policy domain as well as…
Urban Agenda for the EU Akce 13Říj2020 European Urban Knowledge Network (EUKN), 13 October 2020 The Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and the European Urban Knowledge Network (EUKN) EGTC in cooperation with the URBAN…
Urban Agenda for the EU Akce 14Říj2020 Interactive presentation of Action Plan for Culture & Cultural Heritage Partnership, EWRC 14 October 2020 In the context of the European Week of Regions and Cities 2020, an Interactive presentation of Action Plan for the Culture & Cultural…
Public Procurement Akce 14Říj2020 ‘Green Deal? Achieve it with procurement!’, Event of the EU Urban Agenda partnership on Innovative and Responsible Public Procurement October 14th 2020 11.30 – 13.00 Zoom platform, Brussels Public procurement, if used strategically, can make a considerable contribution to…
Urban Agenda for the EU Akce 16Říj2020 Workshop on Urban resilience after COVID crisis, EWRC, 16 October 2020 In the context of the European Week of Regions and Cities 2020, a workshop on Urban resilience after COVID crisis will be held online on the 14…
Culture/Cultural Heritage Akce 14Říj2021 Session "The Urban Agenda and EFFORTS: New Ideas for Culture and Cultural Heritage", EWRC, 14 October In the context of the European Week of Regions and Cities 2021, a session on "The Urban Agenda and EFFORTS: New Ideas for Culture and Cultural…