The European Commission organised on 7 July 2022 the third webinar in the framework of the EU – US Trade and Technology Council Working Group 9 on promoting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) access to and use of digital tools.
The webinar served as a space in which private sector representatives and SMEs showcased best practices about protecting intellectual property when pursuing international business opportunities. Other topics included the unitary patent, which is a major achievement of the EU as regards patent law and will establish a uniform granting and litigation system for the participating EU countries, which will benefit companies, in particular SMEs.
The use of intellectual property to support a business is of paramount importance for SMEs in both the U.S. and the EU. In this sense, SMEs need support and guidance to best manage their inventions, brands, or creations globally and to grow and drive the green and digital transition. Additionally, IP are essentially relevant to attract investment as well as resources.
Valentina Superti, Director, notably in charge of the Digital Transformation of Industry (Directorate Ecosystems II: Tourism & proximity), DG GROW, European Commission
David De Falco, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Europe and Eurasia, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce
Lucilla Sioli, Director for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Industry, DG CNECT, European Commission
Section 1 - Intellectual property in the digital economy
Amaryllis Verhoeven, Head of Unit, Digital Transformation of Industry, DG GROW, European Commission
Mary Critharis, Chief Policy Officer and Director for International Affairs, United States Patent and Trademark Office
Section 2 - Views from businesses of the role of intellectual property in the digital economy
Brandon Blacoe, CEO, ByoWave
Gianluigi A. Misté, co-founder, NablaWave S.r.l
Marc Fischer, CEO and co-Founder, Dogtown Media
Shely Aronov, CEO and co-founder of InnerPlant
Section 3 - Strategic use of intellectual property to scale up a business in the U.S. and EU
Bastian July, CEO, GoodIP
Raymond E. Farrell, senior partner and co-founder, Carter, DeLuca & Farrell LLP
Section 4 - Presentation of the upcoming Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court
Denis Dambois, Legal and policy officer, Intangible Economy (IP) unit, DG GROW, European Commission
Section 5 - Presentation of EU and US tools and resources to help SMEs protect and enforce their intellectual property
Francesca Arra, Seconded National Expert, EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
Vicente Zafrilla, Intellectual Property coordinator at Latin America and India IP SME Helpdesks
Jessica Pomper, International Trade Specialist, International Trade Administration
Rachel Bae, Intellectual Property Attaché, Europe, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
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