6 - Consumers search Resources on Dataspace’s Catalogues

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To help understand the content of this document, readers should familiarize themselves with the key definitions and actors and the business process introduction containing the diagram legend.

This business process describes how a dataspace Consumer can search resources on the catalogue of (a) dataspace(s). Within the process the user can search for Resource Descriptions, which can refer to data, applications, or infrastructure resources. There are three types of ‘search’ available: quick search, federated search, and advanced search. 

  • Quick Search: Use one or multiple search terms that are matched against any field in the resource description. 
  • Federated Search: Perform searches across multiple dataspaces simultaneously. 
  • Advanced Search: Specify values for one or more attributes of the resource description to refine the search results.  

The following actors are involved within this process:Governance Authority and Consumer. 

Prerequisites business process: 

The following prerequisites must be met to enable the process to occur:  

  • Consumer Onboarded: Before the Consumer can consume any resources to a dataspace they should have successfully completed the onboarding business process (Business Process – 3A) 
  • End User Authenticated & Authorised: It is assumed that the End User, who is effectively performing the steps in the process, is authenticated and has the appropriate role and permissions to perform them (Business Process – 3B). 

Business Process Diagram & Steps 

This chapter presents a diagram visualizing the business process, labelled with specific steps. Each step is further detailed in the accompanying 'Step Description'. 

Business process diagram depicting the consumption of resources on a dataspace’s catalogue
Figure 2: Business process diagram depicting the consumption of resources on a dataspace’s catalogue

Step Description: 

Below there is a detailed description of the steps involved in this business process. Each step outlines the specific actions and decisions required to successfully complete the process: 

  1. Search in the catalogue: The Consumer initiates a search in the dataspace catalogue using either a quick search, advanced search, or a federated search (searching multiple catalogues at once) within the same or another dataspace. To achieve this, the Consumer inputs the search terms relevant to their intended search. 
  2. Execute query: The Governance Authority finds  Resource Descriptions matching the provided search terms within the dataspace's own catalogues or, in case of the federated search, within catalogues shared by other dataspaces. 
  3. Filter results based on access & usage policies: The results are filtered by the Governance Authority to include only those Resource Descriptions for which the access and usage policies permit the Consumer (and potentially the specific End User of the Consumer) to access and use the associated resource. 
  4. Send results: The Governance Authority sends the filtered search results back to the participant’s system, showing only the Resource Descriptions they are permitted to access. 
  5. Access results: The results of the search query are accessed by the Consumer. 



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