Input requested for First AI HLEG Workshop: "Industry & Ecosystems Uptake of AI"

Dear members of the European AI Alliance,

As the Chair of the AI HLEG set out in his blogpost, the AI HLEG is looking for your contribution on the topics to be discussed at the First Workshop of the AI HLEG. These topics will also be addressed in the two main deliverables of the group. 

The third topic of the workshop concerns: "Industry & Ecosystems Uptake of AI​"

These are the questions on which your input is sought:

  • How can AI's uptake be accelerated across the entire European industry?
  • Which measures can we take to ensure a level playing field in AI's uptake across all sectors, companies of all sizes, and all regions?

Deadline for input: 13 September 2018

industry digitaltransformation AI HLEG


Profile picture for user npennise
Predložil Elio PENNISI dňa Pi, 31/08/2018 - 15:57

"How can AI's uptake be accelerated across the entire European industry?"

  • Given the wide economic and technological disparities among our member countries, I find an AI concomitant uptake rather difficult to implement. My suggestion is to concentrate economic effort on most advanced AI takers/users (Countries) on condition of exchanging know-how and investment in a less advanced sphere. Besides, EU should set an appropriate educational budget to the benefit of less fortunate member countries.  
Profile picture for user n0028bfr
Predložil David Pereira dňa Po, 03/09/2018 - 17:35
  • How can AI's uptake be accelerated across the entire European industry?
    • ​Training: not only from a technical expertise point of view, but also making business leaders understand the capabilities and limitations of AI to correctly manage expectations.
    • Legal security: one of the main AI adoption stoppers might be lack of clarity regarding legal implications linked to the use of AI.
  • Which measures can we take to ensure a level playing field in AI's uptake across all sectors, companies of all sizes, and all regions?
    • ​AI democratization: empower API & cloud based AI to avoid expertise or organizational adoption barriers.
Profile picture for user Yuliia
Predložil Yuliia Pustovit dňa Ne, 09/09/2018 - 18:24


  • How can AI's uptake be accelerated across the entire European industry?

Nowadays, digital technology such as technologies of the virtual and augmented reality allow AI’s uptake be accelerated across the entire industries. I want to suggest, to create a virtual experience platform from the moment of generating knowledge to using AI’s systems. The platform will use virtual concepts created with the help of computer modeling. Virtual experience is designed for conduct experiments, analyze systems and applications, to identify flaws, negative consequences, and timely actions to adjust. This will economy material resources, as well as reduce the negative consequences. Thus, we will reduce risks in real situations and show opportunities.


Profile picture for user nvasilla
Predložil Laurentiu VASILIU dňa Po, 10/09/2018 - 12:27
  • How can AI's uptake be accelerated across the entire European industry?

Before we talk about 'accelerated AI uptake', I believe a preliminary discussion would be required to a) have a common understanding and definition of the 'AI' we talk about and b) to see if such an uptake is feasible and socio-econimically desirable at this stage.

A good AI discussion and definition can be found here…

If we are to take the definition presented at above link and simplify it a bit, AI is about autonomous and adaptive software systems capable of learning, reasoning and making decisions by themselves.

If we imagine such systems would exist, and may be adopted at a mass level within EU industry space, we'd need to consider first what could be the possible socio-economical and ethical implications. Once (as a society and decision makers) we have a solid understanding of implications of such mass deployment, we can then discuss about an accelerated uptake of the AI technologies where appropriate.


  • Which measures can we take to ensure a level playing field in AI's uptake across all sectors, companies of all sizes, and all regions?

Assuming an AI mass-uptake is feasible from the socio-economcal and ethical point of view,  the 'level playing field' is a serious issue to be debated: there is always the danger that big players with massive budgets are tempted to ensure no-one challenge their dominance. Hence EC has a very important role in ensuring that small and medium companies are not unfairly competed. Implementation of AI can boost SMEs out of anonymity but can also put big companies in monopoly positions by combining their financial resources with the AI (non-linear) leverage.