Welcome to the European Learning Model (ELM) – Peer exchange group

 This community aims to provide a space for implementers of the ELM to share best practices, connect with each other, and provide feedback on the model and its application profiles.  

The ELM is a multilingual Data Model for the Interoperability of Learning Opportunities, Qualifications, Accreditation and Credentials in Europe, developed by the European Commission. Built on open standards (W3C Verifiable Credential data model), the ELM provides the first unitary and comprehensive data model across the European Education Area. Available in 29 languages, it provides tools to facilitate the recognition of qualifications and validation of skills, promoting a culture of upskilling, reskilling, and lifelong learning. 

Join the European Learning Model Peer Exchange Group to connect with other implementers and stay up to date with the latest developments with ELM.  

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