Annual Report on intra-EU labour mobility

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This report provides an annually updated picture of intra-EU labour mobility in the EU. It presents an overview of stocks and flows of all and of active EU movers of working age using the most up-to-date EU-wide comparable data. Therefore, the report identifies main countries of destination and of origin and identifies major changes compared to previous years in the Member States. Like every year, the report looks at the situation of movers on the labour market, by comparing indicators such as employment rates, occu-pations, sectors of activity, education, over-qualification between different groups of movers, to nationals in the country of residence and over time. Furthermore, the report addresses a variety of specific topics, that differ from year to year, depending on current developments and policy needs. This year, the report specifically looks at the gender dimension of mobility, language and other barriers to cross-border mobility in neighbouring regions; and at the mobility of health professionals.

cross-border employment cross-border labour mobility employment