The session, co-organised byEHTEL and the European Health and Care Cluster, will showcase use cases from large scale pilots in Europe with a specific focus on active ageing and with a holistic approach to health.
But there is more: many of those projects have also integrated “scalability by design”; they indeed launched “open calls” to select mature solutions available on the shelf to connect with the platform they created. The session will therefore be highly illustrative and will demonstrate how existing mature solutions can be successfully integrated in collaborative platforms and support advanced use cases.
Finally specific attention will be given to the factors which influence users’ adoption and upscaling.
A very concrete and informative session which will be of high interest for both the demand and the supply sides, it will be chaired by the project GATEKEEPER with inputs from the SHAPES, PhaRAON, SMARTBEAR and ADLIFE projects. Since 2019, these EU-funded projects and 9 others have been actively collaborating together and exchanging resources and best practices in a continuous way.
Monday 12 June | 15:00-16:30 | Rainbow Stage (Room 101AB)
Detailed programme
Direct digital interactions with older people: what are the conditions for upscaling in a rural area?
- Anna Schüttler, Project Manager, Gewi- Institute for healthcare studies / SHAPES project, Germany
Personalised services to foster active ageing: what needs to change to upscale and make it sustainable?
- Laura Fiorini, Assistant Professor, University of Firenze / PHARAON project, Italy
Early risk detection of lifestyle related risks: How to make the use of smart devices and big data analysis a widely accepted practice?
- Karolina Mackiewicz, Innovation Director, European Connected Health Alliance / GATEKEEPER project, Finland
- Dolores Verdoy Berastegi, Projects Coordinator, Institute for Health Services Research Kronikgune / ADLIFE Project, Spain
Panel discussion enriched with the experience of the ADLIFE project and moderated by Dr. Razvan Ioan Trascu, Research Assistant, Ana Aslan International Foundation / SMARTBEAR project, Romania
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