Promoting Enterprise News The Clean Industrial Deal is here - but what does it mean for SMEs? On 26 February 2025, the European Commission unveiled its anticipated Clean Industrial Deal providing concrete actions to situate decarbonisation as…
Promoting Enterprise News The Sustainability Omnibus: the Commission has announced major reductions in sustainability reporting for businesses The European Commission has adopted a package of proposals to simplify EU rules, boost competitiveness, and unlock additional investment capacity…
Promoting Enterprise News Denmark’s Chip Competence Centre: empowering SMEs in chip innovation Launched in 2025, the Danish Chips Competence Centre fosters innovation in chip technology and connects Danish companies to national and European…
Promoting Enterprise News Cutting the regulatory burden for SMEs: proposals from Eurochambres report A key commitment of the European Commission in its new term is to reduce reporting obligations on businesses, cutting them by 25% and by 35% for SMEs…
Promoting Enterprise News New flash Eurobarometer shows SMEs are driving the green transition European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are progressing towards environmental sustainability, employing new strategies to increase…
Promoting Enterprise SME Assembly Get ready for the SME Assembly 2024: Join the event online The SME Assembly in Budapest is fast approaching! Despite onsite attendance having reached full capacity, registrations to tune in online are now…
Promoting Enterprise News Exploring the impact of regulations on SMEs: National SME Test report Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of Europe’s economy, accounting for over 99% of all businesses in the EU and contributing…
Promoting Enterprise News Mario Draghi places SMEs at the heart of securing European competitiveness With the European Union at a crossroads to address slowing productivity and growth alongside rising global competition, former Italian Prime Minister…
Promoting Enterprise European Enterprise Promotion Awards EEPA National Honorary Mention Certificates: Celebrating Outstanding Achievements The 2024 European Enterprise Promotion Awards (EEPA) entry period has now finished, and we are pleased to announce that it has been another…
Promoting Enterprise News Enrico Letta cites innovation and research as key to single market success After compiling a report on the Single Market for the Belgian Presidency of the EU, former Italian Prime Minister and President of the Jacques Delors…