One of the actions of the Partnership on the Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees the Urban Academy on Integration. The Academy will act as a European strategic learning environment for practitioners and policy-makers working on integration on the local, regional and national level.
What is the Urban Academy on Integration?
From 16-18 April 2018, the first edition of the Urban Academy takes place in Brussels. It will deal with two main topics: education as key tool for integration and working effectively with the civil society. Activities include a field visit to integration projects and three sessions on each theme.
The Urban Academy offers the unique chance for participants to learn from each other and from experts in the field, i.a. on the basis of concrete cases. A lot of space will be dedicated to discussing innovative solutions for the concrete challenges participants face in their city, region or country.
Who can participate?
Are you working on education (with an integration or migration dimension) or on the cooperation with civil society organisations on integration at a strategic or policy level? Do you want to learn from other professionals and share your experiences on topics such as diversity, equality and inclusion in schools, the role of education in tackling segregation, or the best ways to cooperate with the civil society, volunteers’ initiatives, and migrant organisations with colleagues from all over Europe?
Then you are kindly invited to apply for the two-day training by returning the completed form before 20 February 2018 Please refer to the same email address in case you have any further questions.
Depending on the number of applications, the organisers may have to make a selection, which will be based on criteria such as geographical spread, gender balance as well as the assessment of the issue on which the applicant would like to receive feedback. The participation of selected applicants will be confirmed in early March 2018, which is also when the practicalities of travel and stay will be taken care of. The working language of the event will be English. Travel costs, accommodation and meals will be provided for the selected participants.
Further information
Official invitation letter containing even more information:
Draft agenda of the first Urban Academy meeting (16 to 18 April 2018 in Brussels):

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