Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees Tapahtuma 02-03Maa2017 European Migration Forum - 3rd meeting, Brussels The European Migration Forum, organised by the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee, is the civil society dialogue…
Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees Tapahtuma 05-06Huh2017 Meeting of the Working Group Migration & Integration of EUROCITIES, Lisbon
Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees Tapahtuma 16-18Toukokuu2018 EUROCITIES Migration and integration working group meeting, Amsterdam EUROCITIES' Migration and integration working group meeting in Amsterdam aims to gain recognition for the important role of local…
Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees Tapahtuma 24-25Toukokuu2018 Call for Papers: Vulnerability, Protection, and Agency: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Migration, Oslo The conference is organized by the Research Group on International Law and Governance in collaboration with the Research Group on Human Rights, Armed…
Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees Tapahtuma 02-04Hei2018 2018 IMISCOE Annual Conference: Europe, migrations and the Mediterranean: human mobilities and intercultural challenge, Barcelona 15th Annual Conference raises the theme “Europe, migrations and the Mediterranean: human mobilities and intercultural challenges” will welcome…
Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees Tapahtuma 08-11Lok2018 European Week of Regions and Cities, Brussels This year, the 16th edition will take place from 8 to 11 October 2018 in Brussels. During the week, representatives from…
Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees Tapahtuma 23-24Lok2018 EUROCITIES Social Affairs Forum meeting, Stuttgart, DE On 23 and 24 November EUROCITIES organises its Social Affairs Forum meeting. The focus will be on the role of cities in localising the Sustainable…