Reviewing the the quality of (cross-border) services

As a citizen, and user of (corss-border) digital services, I want to have the opportunity to express my opinion about the quality of the service offered and delivered.

This is a normal functionality in the world of e-business, but not a standard in e-government. However, for the monitoring and constant improvement of the quality of (cross-border) e-services by national governments, this seems to be a necessary tool.

From the side of the European Commission the notion of quality of e-services should be brought (more) to the attention of national, regional and local governments in the EU. This can be facilitated by a code of conduct (how to develop a digital service?) and a plug-in (developed by the European Commission?), to be used by citizens to rate the quality of e-services. Other measures to increase the quality of e-services are welcomed of course.

review quality digital government services