Date: 1 December 2022
Time: 15:30 - 16:30 CET
Location: Online
Web reference:
Organized by DAAD, the German Academic Exchange Service, the ERUA project and the UAegean i4m Lab
Workshop theme: The EU ERUA project and the University of the Aegean Information Management Lab | UAegean i4m Lab organized an online workshop, in the context of the Moving Target Digitalisation 2022 conference (November 30th – December 2nd 2022, Berlin), to discuss the role of digital academic credentials in the European University Alliances --as means of identification/authentication and for trustfully and flexibly documenting academic achievements.
The objective of the workshop was to present to the broader community how the European Reform University Alliance | ERUA is designing a digital academic credentials infrastructure for the needs of the Alliance which will support: a) a common identity for students and academic personnel, branded as ERUA:Id, to allow seamless and secure access to all ERUA digital services, b) issuance of digital credentials for qualification-related attestations and student data (achievement records).
During the workshop the participants interacted and learned from other University Alliances, and policy and technology experts from the field of Digital Credentials, and discussed architecture decisions in the light of: a) the technical guidelines on implementing the New European Digital ID Wallet (EDIW) which is expected by the end of the year and, b) the evolution of mDL (Mobile Driver License) and SSI (Self Sovereign Identity) technology standards.
Petros Kavassalis, University of the Aegean (UAegean | i4m Lab), Academic identity, Academic credentials, EU eID, EDIW: Frame the Debate [presentation]
Nikos Triantafyllou, ERUA Alliance, ERUA: Id moves forward [presentation]
Lucy Yang, CCI & Partner at Identity Woman in Business, The battle (or coexistence) of standards: Mobile Driver’s Licence (mDL) VS (AND) Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) [presentation]
Paulo Ferreira, Universidade Lusófona, Credentials for Joint Academic Degrees [presentation]
Discussant: Laurent Loup, SICPA and EUDI Wallet Consortium (EWC) [presentation]
About ERUA: European Reform University Alliance (ERUA) ERUA is a European University Alliance, an ambitious project of close cooperation between five (5) Universities funded by ERASMUS: University of Paris 8, France, Univ. of the Aegean, Greece, University of Konstanz, Germany, Roskilde University, Denmark, and New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria. ERUA offers students a rich and diverse environment with a shared pedagogical approach focusing on project-based learning and the development of personalized learning pathways in a multilingual, multicultural environment. It aims to build the framework and structures allowing students from different backgrounds to understand and respond to the big societal challenges and become part of a shared European experience.
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