2nd b-solutions call for proposals until 15 March

We are very happy to inform you that AEBR has just opened a new call for proposals until the 15 of March, addressing public authorities and cross-border structures in border regions in the EU and EFTA countries.

The aim is to identify further border obstacles of legal and administrative nature to allow for the development of innovative proposals to strengthen cross-border cooperation. b-solutions is a major project that AEBR is currently managing on behalf of DG REGIO.

You can know more in the website: https://www.b-solutionsproject.com/

And you can contact b-solutions' team in: b-solutions@aebr.eu

If you have identified an obstacle and would like to share this information and explore possible solutions, please get in contact with us. Don't be shy!

Looking forward to receiving many contributions from European cross-border family!

cross-border obstacles Cross-Border Cooperation b-solutions cross-border solutions Pilot projects


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Lähettänyt Ricardo FERREIRA Pe, 01/02/2019 - 10:52

Interesting to note the differences from last year's call. 

This time the focus is on documenting an obstacle and clearly identifying the legal dispositions that are leading to the obstacle. Furthermore, each case will lead to a roadmap identifying a possible solution and a way to get there. 

Selected applications will receive support from a legal expert who will work for them on the legal obstacle identified. 

Don't miss the opportunity: https://www.b-solutionsproject.com/call-for-proposals