AI technologies applied in the media industry: Insights and challenges

Authors: Danae Tsabouraki (Research Project Manager Athens Technology Center); Birgit Gray (Innovation Manager, Deutsche Welle); Chaja Libot (Design Researcher, VRT); Fulvio Negro (Researcher, RAI); Rasa Bocyte (Senior Advisor for Research Collaborations at the Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision); Christoffer Holmgård (; Rémi Mignot (Researcher, IRCAM); Artur Garcia (Researcher, Barcelona Supercomputing Center); Chris Georgiev (Imagga Technologies).

The media industry is already benefiting from the use of AI technologies. From supporting media and journalism processes to game development, music generation, and media asset management, AI is disrupting the industry, bringing new opportunities but also challenges. Europe is home to numerous research labs and universities that explore the vast possibilities and bounds of AI, as well as to a vibrant ecosystem of media companies that want to use AI to improve their products, services, and operations. As with other technologies, bridging the gap between AI scientists and researchers and the commercial or consumer users of tailored AI tools and systems remains a tough challenge. 

In AI4Media, a Horizon 2020 project, we seek to narrow this gap, by publishing a set of white papers as an effort to align AI research with the industrial needs of media companies. These white papers describe the most important challenges and requirements for AI uptake in different media sectors, as expressed through seven industry-led use cases Each use case has identified emerging market opportunities and urgent industry challenges that raise specific requirements and research questions for AI developers. 

The seven AI4Media white papers deal with the use of AI in several media domains throughout the media and content value chain, comprising:

  • disinformation detection and analysis;
  • news research, production, and publication;
  • data-driven research with media content in social sciences and humanities;
  • video game testing and music selection;
  • music composition; 
  • media asset organisation and management. 

The white papers provide an overview of the most important challenges and problems, as well as the needs and requirements of the media industry in each use case area. The white papers also discuss how Trustworthy AI is perceived in the scope of each use case and address a variety of Trustworthy AI requirements. The papers build upon the experience and know-how of AI4Media’s industry partners, as well as their own internal requirements. They are furthermore validated and enhanced with input collected through surveys and interviews with end-users and industry stakeholders. 

Participate in our upcoming online workshop on October 9, 2023, and delve into the ways AI can empower media professionals and drive innovation within the media industry. Join the conversation surrounding the key insights from our white papers and explore the common challenges media organisations encounter when integrating AI technologies into their operations.

To see the workshop agenda and register, please visit this webpage.

Discover in-depth insights and key findings from our white papers in the following document.

AI technologies applied in the media industry: Insights and challenges
(414.92 KB - PDF)
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AI4Media seven Use Cases
AI4Media seven Use Cases
AI; AI4MEDIA; Media AIWhitePaper disinformationmedia AI in Media