The Internet has changed our everyday life – for a growing number of children worldwide, digital is integrated into their daily activities in almost every way possible. While the internet offers many opportunities for learning, communication, creativity and entertainment, it also exposes vulnerable users, such as children, to certain risks. Parents need to be well-informed on this topic as the Internet safety for kids depends on them being aware of online risks and understanding how to help their children and teens.
To celebrate the 2021 Safer Internet Day, CONNECT University is organising two events on 12 February with the aim to raise awareness on child online protection and empowerment.
Morning session 10:00-11:00 (dedicated for parents of pre-schoolers and kids in primary school)
The morning session, dedicated for parents of pre-schoolers and kids in primary school, will consider what children are doing when they go online and the challenges that they can face. The speakers will share some ideas and suggestions on the actions that parents can take to support their children, and in particular look at the issues of screentime and how to survive COVID-19 lockdown when so many of us are spending more time online.
June Lowery-Kingston, Head of Unit Accessibility, Multilingualism & Safer Internet
Barbara Buchegger, Austrian Safer Internet Centre
Maria Dara, Greek Safer Internet Centre
Karl Hopwood, Independent esafety expert
Afternoon session 14:00-15:00 (dedicated for parents of kids in secondary school)
The afternoon session, dedicated for parents of kids in secondary school, will look at the risks and benefits for children online and particularly at some of the challenges in the current situation with COVID-19. There will be practical advice and resources for parents to use in order to support their children's engagement online and promote safe & responsible use of the internet.
June Lowery-Kingston, Head of Unit Accessibility, Multilingualism & Safer Internet
Jane McGarrigle and Catriona Mulcahy, Irish Safer Internet Centre
Karl Hopwood, Independent esafety expert

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