3rd Edition of the Genova Smart Week

From 20th to 24th of November 2017 in the City of Genoa took place the 3rd Edition of the GenovaSmartWeek Event that put in place a series of interesting interactive panels and plenary sessions on the main themes of the future development of an urban context.

On the 21st of November in the Municipality premises, the Urban Agenda and the Climate Adaptation Partnership have been introduced in a dedicated panel to the attendees.

  • Nicolaas Beets - Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, gave an overview of the Urban Agenda as the new instrument introduced by the Pact of Amsterdam approved in May 2016, that would empower cities in the EU processes to become more inclusive and sustainable. The Urban Agenda would let cities to work together with member state and EU Organization to deal with the twelve priority themes that affect urban areas.


  • Sandro Nieto - European Commission DG CLIMA, explained the European Strategy on climate adaptation and showed how using the instruments of the Urban Agenda, the European cities would be more prepared to deal with the effects of climate change. In this field he represent also an interlink with the Covenant of Mayor initiatives that would support cities gathering actions, sharing best practices and providing initial guidelines.


  • Corrado Ragucci - Genoa Municipality, introduced the Climate Adaptation Partnership, its composition and main focus: vulnerability assessments, climate resilience and risk management. Starting from data on the effects of climate related extreme and differences on adaptation capacities among the EU local contexts, the partnership will adopt a methodological framework to find new instruments and methods to increase people and cities capacities. Through the proposal of concrete actions in the main deliverable to submit next June 2018, the partnership would achieve the three specific objectives of the Urban Agenda for the EU: Better Regulation, Better Knowledge and Better Funding.
Genova Smart Week