The Hippocratic Oath - for AI developers

Dear members, 

The past weekend I had highly interesting conversations with citizens about Artificial Intelligence during the InScience festival, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. The theme during the festival was 'impact of AI on Smart Cities and Society'. What struck me the most is the misunderstanding of AI by most of the visitors but also the diversity of opinions from very dark doom scenario's up to a very positive view on the impact. Nevertheless, the discussions ware great but the tone was fear of the unknown and fear of the commercial parties and misguided ethics was present throughout all conversations. 

Especially the moral ethical aspect triggered me the most. So I introduced 'the *Hippocratic oath for AI developers'. Meaning, if the developer of algorithms is producing models which impact human well-being and prosperity they should be abided by the law to take the oath. 

The medicians have to take the oath, so do policemen, government officials, even bankers. 

I'm really curious about the opinion of the community if we should have a look at this as part of the ethical framework for AI that is being produced? 





*"The Hippocratic Oath is an oath historically taken by physicians. It is one of the most widely known of Greek medical texts. In its original form, it requires a new physician to swear, by a number of healing Gods, to uphold specific ethical standards."


AI Hippocratic Oath


Profile picture for user nsanzsri
Submitted by Ricardo SANZ on Thu, 15/11/2018 - 12:33

There are so many people -farmers, politicias, pharmacologists, weapon makers, etc.- producing things which impact human well-being and prosperity ...

Should all they be abided by the law to take an oath? 

In reply to by Ricardo SANZ

Profile picture for user n002bo25
Submitted by Amir Sabirovic on Thu, 15/11/2018 - 14:51

All mention markets and jobs are well regulated and under an oath (politicians, pharmacologists. Next, to this, you have an influence on a lot of those, who you elect, which fruit and vegetables you buy, which drugs you take or don't take. It is all in your hands. When we are talking about algorithms predicting, for example, your well-being based on DNA and as consequence, your insurance denies you based on that (algorithmic prediction of diseases). And you can think of a lot of cases where just this will apply. Yes, they should take an oath as do all people which hold other peoples lives in their hands.