Digital government for prosperity

An efficient and productive public sector can be a strong driver of private sector growth. Modern and responsive public administrations have the potential to improve the framework conditions for business investment, reduce administrative burden and make businesses' interactions with public authorities faster and more convenient. Digital public services, provided through one-stop-shops and re-using administrative data in the hands of public administrations can result in significant savings.

Data is rapidly becoming a key new type of economic asset. The data revolution can facilitate the development of new, value-added, high quality services, spur job creation and significantly enhance competitiveness and service provision. Public administrations need to create an enabling environment that can facilitate the development of innovative products and customised services. Opening-up public sector information in electronic format is a powerful tool to foster data-driven businesses and thereby growth.

The public sector has always been a significant consumer of technology and a major market for the companies serving them. Over the last several years however, there has been a fundamental shift; digital technology, platforms and data are helping businesses deliver innovative products and services and help government itself become more innovative. The so-called Gov.Tech sector – supplying the infrastructure and tools government agencies use every day to do their jobs - has the power to transform how government and public sector organisations deliver the outcomes the public wants. Government and the public sector can seize this opportunity to create an environment where innovation thrives, and where new solutions can emerge and flourish to improve outcomes. Start-ups are often at the forefront of innovation, yet this involves taking a risk by choosing to work with them. In addition, the complexity of public sector procurement frequently makes innovation difficult to realise. Pre-commercial procurement, public procurement of innovative solutions, open procurement and other approaches may provide suitable solutions for bringing small businesses and technology driven innovation to government.

How else can digital government transformation lead to growth and prosperity? What would you suggest your local, regional or national administration to do differently? What would be the real game changer to do? Let us know your ideas; submit your needs using the 'Needs/Ideas' tab, until 30/11/2017.

Or follow us here. We will report the outcome of our workshop during the European Week of Regions and Cities eaxctly on this topic on 11/10/2017.

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