About the Border Focal Point Network

This EU-wide online professional network is part of the 10 measures proposed by the adopted Commission Communication "Boosting Growth and Cohesion in EU Border Regions" which aims to highlight ways in which Europe can reduce the complexity, length and costs of cross-border interaction and promote the pooling of services along internal EU borders. 

The proposed actions focus on enhancing the competitive and cohesive situation of border regions, notably by addressing some of the legal and administrative barriers currently hampering closer cooperation and interaction. A "Border Focal Point Network" composed of Commission experts in cross-border issues will coordinate these actions and  support national and regional authorities to tackle legal and administrative border obstacles.

To facilitate this process and to ensure that good practices are shared, this online professional network provides you, as border stakeholders, with a platform to discuss and present border issues and solutions. The key objective of the network will be to create a stronger border community at European level. The Border Focal Point Network will also use this platform to engage fully with border stakeholders.

The Communication is the result of two years of intensive research and dialogue with border stakeholders, national authorities of Member States and partner countries and regional/local authorities. For more information please visit the Inforegio webpage

How can you contribute?

To ensure that this 'border' community does indeed strengthen and deepen further cooperation, we need your input. We encourage you to start the dialogue, share your good practices and exchange your daily experiences about interacting in the cross-border regions. This platform will provide you with the opportunity to learn from each other and be up to date on what happens on and around the borders in the EU. 

NB: If you have been using the Futurium platform before, please notethat it was migrated in January 2021. If you have not been able to find the articles you were looking for, please use the tags on the right side of the screen. They will help you filter your search by theme

How to use tags on the Border Focal Point Network platform?

Are you looking for content on cross-border employment opportunities? How about information on healthcare access across borders? Through the ‘tags’ function, finding articles related to a specific topic is made simple.

Tags are key words related to the themes of an article and provide a more targeted way of searching for content on the Border Focal Point Network platform.

To begin searching through tags, open one of the category sections (B-Solutions, News, Events, Good Practices, Library) of the Border Focal Point Network platform and click on the relevant tag on the right-hand side of the page. The bracketed number next to the tag shows the number of posts related to that word or phrase. Please see images below which show where to find tags.

If you are writing a post, we recommend that you use tags from the following list:

  • Evidence and data
  • EGovernment
  • Health
  • Information services
  • Transport
  • Multilingualism
  • Employment
  • Education
  • Institutional matters
  • B-solutions
  • Green Deal

This page will guide you through the process.

How do I register for Futurium?

All you need to do is go to Register here and fill in the short registration form that appears. Once completed check your mailbox. You will receive a confirmation email with your user name, password and an activation link. Click on it and you are in!

Follow the BFPN activities on social media: Facebook and X (@RegioInterreg)