b-solutions: Solving Border Obstacles. A Compendium 2020-2021

The b-solutions pilot initiative, launched in 2017, aims to address the legal and administrative obstacles hindering cross-border cooperation along the EU internal land borders. As part of this project four calls for proposals were launched between 2018 and 2021, through which 90 pilot projects were selected and received legal support to better understand the causes of such obstacles and to develop solutions to restore cross-border cooperation.

Advisers were identified through a dedicated call for expressions of interest and matched with the cases to provide a detailed analysis of the hurdles, formulating detailed reports containing roadmaps towards possible solutions. Published by the European Commission’s DG REGIO and AEBR, this compendium showcases summaries of these reports. As such, they allow to learn from the experiences of the local actors from border regions involved in 2020 and 2021, for a total of 47 cases.

b-solutions: Solving Border Obstacles. A Compendium 2020-2021
(10.36 MB - PDF)