ACEA Position on Trans-Atlantic Regulatory Cooperation in the Automotive Sector

The European Automobile Manufacturers Association welcomes the chance to comment on the developing work agenda of the Trade and Technology Council. Find attached a joint position of ACEA and our counterparts in the US automobile industry concerning trans-Atlantic regulatory cooperation in our sector.

In the position, ACEA, along with the US Alliance for Automotive Innovation, the American Automotive Policy Council and the US Engine Manufacturers Association, have focused primarily on regulation of future technologies in our sector. We have assessed the key issues and have tried to give some direction to regulators on both sides of the Atlantic as to how policy should move forward in these areas.

We have also touched on other key issues such as supply chain shortages, zero-emission mobility and cooperation on motor vehicle standards at a multilateral level.


EU/US Regulatory Cooperation in the Auto Sector
(280.15 KB - PDF)