European SME Week

The European SME Week (ESW) is a pan-European campaign that aims to promote entrepreneurship in Europe. It helps existing entrepreneurs find information on available support and tries to encourage more people to set up their own businesses. Coordinated by the European Commission, this campaign consists of events throughout the whole year, embracing the motto “Promoting Enterprise. Every week. Everywhere.”🎬

Main objectives of the European SME Week:

  • to help create a business-friendly environment and boost SMEs' competitiveness, also regionally through SME regional policies;
  • to inform entrepreneurs about support available at EU, national, regional, and local levels;
  • to encourage more people to become entrepreneurs.

Who can get involved?

  • Anyone interested in entrepreneurship
  • Existing and potential entrepreneurs
  • Young people considering entrepreneurship as a career choice
  • Business organisations and business support providers
  • Public authorities, educational institutions

How does it work?

The European SME Week gives a chance to organisations providing business support services and organising events to promote them to entrepreneurs in Europe. Organisations can benefit from the branding and the promotion of their events through a central website located on the Europa website.

Events will be held across the 39 participating countries.

Get involved

Find the list of European SME Week National Coordinators.

European SME Week

From Idea to Impact: Nima Tisdall story

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European SME Week

From Idea to Impact: Emma Fau’s story

In celebration of International Women's Day, we are spotlighting the achievements of successful women who are not only excelling in their fields but…