The Partnership Jobs and Skills in the Local Economy works on how cities can boost inclusive and quality employment. In order to do so, the Partnership identified crucial fields that must be considered in depth:
- Next Economy
- Jobs and Skills
- Public Services
- Valorization of R&D
- Business Location
- Effective Local Governance

Since its inception in mid-2017, the Partnership on Jobs and Skills in the Local Economy has been exploring and analysing bottlenecks and burdens at the EU, national and local level.
In its final Action Plan presented in early 2019, the Partnership formulates concrete proposals in order to improve the existing EU legislation, funding and knowledge and provide more favourable conditions for the local economy and labour markets.
Find the composition of the Partnership on the Members page.
More information with regard to EU legislation, policies, strategies, studies, funding, and project examples on the topic of Jobs and Skills in the Local Economy can be found at the European Commission’s one-stop shop for cities.
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