CONNECT University Veranstaltung 07Dez.2022 The Evolution of Computing Technologies - HiPEAC Vision The performance of computing devices has significantly increased and they have a crucial impact on each aspect of our lives. With innovation…
CONNECT University Veranstaltung 26Jan.2023 Tackling Disinformation in the EU - The Strengthened Code of Practice on Disinformation and EDMO The 2022 Strengthened Code of Practice on Disinformation, the first-of-its kind worldwide, is part of the Commission’s strategy to counter…
CONNECT University Veranstaltung 06Juni2023 Large Language Models: Overview – Limitations – Opportunities This session will provide an overview of Large Language Models (LLMs), the technology behind applications such as ChatGPT and other solutions in the…
CONNECT University Veranstaltung 13Okt.2023 Emerging AI Platforms Part of CONNECT University Autumn School on Online Platforms EcosystemThe emergence of AI platforms has presented a significant challenge for…
CONNECT University Veranstaltung 10Nov.2023 Next Computing Paradigm - HiPEAC Vision 2024 What comes after cyber-physical systems (CPS), the cloud, the internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and the continuum of computing…
CONNECT University Veranstaltung 18Juni2024 Language Technology Landscape Conference The conference will provide the market study's interim results, including the trends in the language technology market, focusing on foundational,…
CONNECT University Veranstaltung 10Dez.2024 European Cancer Imaging Initiative Harnessing data and AI to fight cancer Join us to explore together how this pioneering infrastructure promises to transform cancer care and deep…
CONNECT University Veranstaltung 31Jan.2025 HiPEAC Vision: Computing research in next 10 years HiPEAC Vision: Where should European computing research go over the next 10 years?In the wake of the Draghi report and increasing concern over the…