AI Ethics Challenge / Finland's experiences


I wanted to share our great experience of driving AI Ethics challenge in Finland. The challenge is initiated by our national AI Program owned by Ministry of Economic Affairs & Employment, and in few months we have got 52 organizations commit to ethical use of AI. Most of these organisations have or are in the process of defining their own ethics principles for AI.

This challenge has been an extremely powerful way to raise very relevant AI ethics discussion among companies, and we have seen lots of very concrete activities initiated as a result of it. Encouraged by this, we would like to share the experience and hopefully inspire other EU countries take forwards this challenge in your countries.

I would be extremely happy to discuss and share our experiences if you're interested either join the challenge or take it forwards in your country!

Kind regards,

Meeri Haataja

Finlands AI Program, Ethics WG Chair

CEO & Co-Founder,

We invite enterprises to join us in the ethical use of artificial intelligence

The use of artificial intelligence in enterprises is increasing fast. At the same time, new kinds of ethical questions have emerged.

Is the data used to train AI biased or discriminating? How to trust in an algorithm that cannot be described accurately? Who is responsible for the decisions made by AI? Are the decisions made by AI safe?

To find answers to these questions, Finland’s Artificial Intelligence Programme challenges enterprises to create ethical principles for AI. The principles will define how AI is used in fair and trust-building ways.

Join us!

Has your enterprise already drawn up a set of ethical principles? Or are you going to create the principles? Join us:

  1. Accept the challenge by entering the details of your enterprise in the link below.
  2. If you do not yet have the ethical principles, you will find more information  on how to get started on this site.


finland AI Ethics


Indsendt af Martti Kallavuo den fre, 30/11/2018 - 12:38

Already some countries (eg Denmark) and companies have shared their views and initiatives on AI Ethcis on these pages. Even if we surely need country level actions on this, I hope that we first create something on EU/European level and then implement in countries. Together we hopefully are stronger and the results are better.