CESCI's Cross-Border Review 2023 is now available!

CESCI 2023 review publication picture

The Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives (CESCI) is a private-law association established in 2009 following the model of the French Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière (MOT) with the mission of decreasing the separating effects of the borders and promoting cross-border cooperation in Central Europe.

The ‘Cross-Border Review 2023’  CESCI's tenth yearbook, which is published this year in collaboration with the UPS-CESCI Research Group of Cross-Border Cooperation. The study volume analyses the importance of cross-border cooperation, emphasising knowledge exchange and social innovation. The authors also examine the sharp decisions made in the field of democracy, governance and personal freedom, highlighting the positive social benefits of cross-border cooperation.

The scientific yearbook of Central European Service for Cross-border Initiatives (CESCI) edited by James W. Scott (Professor of Regional and Border Studies, University of Eastern Finland), is published online in English.

The yearbook consists of the following chapters which can be found below:


James W Scott: Transcending Borders and Boundaries through Dialogue: The 2023 Cross-Border Review

Experiences of Project-Based Cooperation

Martin Barthel: Place Borders in Urban Planning

Kata Keresztély and Krisztina Keresztély: Where no words are needed: Overcoming linguistic and cultural barriers through visual creativity

Magdalena Klarenbach and Kamila Franz: European youth and climate activism – the art of debate

Alicja Fajfer: Intercultural communication in problem-based learning

Theoretical Debates

Kadri Kangro: A Relational Lens on Social Innovation: Tracing Roots to Transboundary Transformative Dynamics

Leszek Koczanowicz and Wojciech Ufel: Deliberation and its theories across the landscape of political practices. Key evolutions of this concept in the EUARENAS project

Research Notes on “Bordering” and Border Studies

James Scott: Border studies as an “evolutionary” research field

Maxine Salmon-Cottreau: Reshaping LGBTQ+ rights in Poland

Teodor Gyelnik and Gyula Ocskay: Project note on the strategic project ‘Promotion of legal accessibility across the Slovak-Hungarian border’

Book Reviews

Teodor Gyelnik: Review of Post-Soviet Borders

Teodor Gyelnik: Review of Public Policies for Territorial Cohesion


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central europe Cross-Border Cooperation CESCI