Report: EU Stakeholder outreach event on avoiding new and unnecessary barriers in products and services of emerging technology, 29 November 2021

On 29 November 2021, DG TRADE hosted an EU Stakeholder Outreach Event on possible EU-U.S. cooperation to avoid new and unnecessary barriers in products and services of emerging technology. This was the second of three stakeholder consultations on the Working Group on Global Trade Challenges of the EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC) – TTC WG10. Based on a number of specific questions outlined in the Agenda for this event (see the detailed agenda), participants were invited to provide their views on priorities to be pursued under this work strand of TTC WG10 through the TTC Futurium platform.

Data sharing – common (research) data standards, interoperability - data security and Privacy Shield were raised among the top priorities for cooperation with the US in the TTC, in particular relating to the health and IT sectors (DIGITALEUROPE, EFPIA, IBM, VMware). IBM also pleaded for transparency around government technology procurement to facilitate collaboration on quantum computing/research and cited the development of a transatlantic, human-centric, risk-based approach to AI as another TTC priority.

A further priority area cited in the discussion relates to co-operation on standardsone-labelling (DIGITALEUREPE, E3G), e.g. concerning medical devices, IT; green goods (E3G), and regulatory co-operation/alignment on cloud compatibility (VMware), quantum computing (IBM) and on medical devices, clinical trials, AI and machine learning, designation of medicines to expedite approval pathways/new therapies (EFPIA), as well as on seeds and plant breeding (The American Seed Trade Association, ASTA). Additionally, VMware considered that an in-depth EU-US dialogue on Open RAN would create synergies and opportunities for standard-setting efforts. On e-labelling, BEUC cautioned that this should not lead to a barrier to information for consumers and generally pleaded for transparency and balanced discussions in the TTC to take into account consumer interests. It also proposed collaboration on issues such as right to repair, on-line sales and targeted advertisements and announced that it would submit a paper on Futurium.

The importance to avoid protectionism (in IPR relating to emerging technologies, in government procurement, subsidies, local content/production requirements etc.) was also raised as a topic for discussion, as it hinders the development of green innovation/new technologies (E3G, IBM).

DIGITALEUROPE further raised the importance to renew the moratorium on customs duties on electronic transmissions and to advance the work on a joint taxonomy. IBM pleaded for co-operation on quantum research/computing and ASTA for cooperation in research to create more resistant and environmentally friendly (plant/seed) products.

Finally, also the Jones Act, in particular in relation to off-shore wind, was proposed as a topic for discussion with the US in TTC WG10 (Polish Ministry of Infrastructure).

DG TRADE thanked all participants for their input, which will be further analyzed (and where appropriate, transmitted to the EU Chairs of other TTC Working Groups). Participants were also invited to submit their ideas in writing, in the most concrete and targeted possible way (focusing on the guiding questions that were proposed in the Agenda), proposals co-ordinated with US counterparts being particularly helpful.



On 30 November 2021, the Commission launched an invitation for stakeholders to provide their views/proposals on EU-US cooperation in the Working Group on Global Trade Challenges of the EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC WG 10): see the announcement in NEWS section of the Futurium TTC Working Group 10 platform. Stakeholders are encouraged to submit their views and proposals via Futurium, as further explained in the invitation, by 7 January 2022.


Stakeholder event 2021