The Partnership on Sustainable Use of Land and Nature-based Solutions proudly presents its final Action Plan.
The nine Actions contribute to the Partnership's general aim, which is to ensure the efficient and sustainable use of land and other natural resources to help create compact, liveable and inclusive European cities for everyone and promoting the uptake of nature-based solutions.
The Actions are:
- Including land take and soil properties in impact assessment procedures
- Funding and financing guide for brownfield redevelopment
- Identifying and managing under-used land
- Indicators of land take
- Promoting FUA cooperation as a tool to mitigate urban sprawl
- Better regulation to boost NBS at European, national and local levels
- Better financing for NBS
- Awareness raising in the areas of NBS and the sustainable use of land
- Agreeing on common targets and indicators for NBS, urban green infrastructure, biodiversity and ecosystem services in cities
The Partnership also outlines cross-cutting issues and links with the New Urban Agenda/the Sustainable Development Goals and other Partnerships.
Read the full document below.

Sustainable Use of Land and Nature-based Solutions Partnership final Action Plan
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