From Principle to Action: How to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights at local level

European Parliament (Altiero Spinelli room A3G-2)
Rue Wiertz 60
1000 Brussels

Following the first anniversary of the European Pillar of Social Rights, EUROCITIES is organising a political event with the support of the European Parliament and the European Commission to present the cities’ commitment to transfer the Pillar’s principles into actions.

Cities have already taken action in recent years by collaborating through the EUROCITIES Declaration on work to create conditions for more and better jobs and to make labour markets more inclusive. In October 2017, EUROCITIES adopted a statement 'Social Rights for All: Cities are committed to deliver on the European Pillar of Social Rights'.

To follow-up on this commitment, EUROCITIES is launching a political initiative to show thecities’ concrete contributions to a more cohesive and inclusive Europe starting from locallevel. EUROCITIES mayors and deputy mayors will present their pledges to act on the principles of the EU Pillar for Social Rights through dedicated investments for city measures.

The event will take place on 21 February 2019 inthe European Parliament. The target group is policy-makers from all government levels active in employment & social policy.

See the programme here: 

(513.68 KB - PDF)


European Parliament urban poverty Eurocities inclusive cities European Pillar of Social Rights