Urban Mobility Partnership meeting no. 6 in Karlsruhe: from actions to implementation

On 7 and 8 March 2018, the Urban Agenda for the EU Partnership on Urban Mobility held its sixth meeting in Karlsruhe, Germany, in concomitance with the IT-TRANS Conference & Exhibition 2018.

The meeting focused on evaluating the draft Action Plan, proceeding toward the development of its final version and discussing an implementation roadmap. A meeting with political representatives held on 6 March 2018 set the context for interesting discussions about effective outreach activities and further political meetings accompanying the Action Plan's implementation. Further information on the outcomes of the political meeting will be available on this website soon.

The partners further engaded in an open debate on the draft Action Plan, paying particular attention to possible implementation strategies in view of the final Action Plan. To be able to collect further stakeholder input on the draft Action Plan, the Partnership agreed to extend the deadline of the Public Feedback period to 9 April 2018.

Not yet participated in the Urban Mobility Public Feedback? Make sure to share your expertise and opinions on highly topical proposed actions such as the deployment of New Mobility Services, clean buses, the promotion of sustainable urban mobility planning, and more!

meeting urban mobility implementation draft action plan