Urban Academy on Integration coming up

The Urban Academy on Integration is one of the actions proposed by the Partnership on Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees to create better (urban) integration policies throughout Europe. The event taking place on 16-18 April 2018 in Brussels will bring together practitioners in the fields of education and civil society - each with an integration dimension - from all over Europe.

The three-day programme will feature a field visit to Mechelen, Belgium, and will provide plenty of room for dilemma-based exchange between the participants in their respective fields of work.

Participants will get together with members of the European Integration Network and with experts from the European Commission's Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs, the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and CultureMigrationWork, the Migration Policy Institute Europe and from the Migration Policy Group, who will be facilitating the event and its two core modules - education in relation to integration and working effectively with civil society

Read the final programme: 

(175.74 KB - PDF)


Learn more details on the Urban Academy and consult the full Action Plan if you want to know more about the Partnership's actions.

civil society education Inclusion of migrants and refugees Action Plan Urban Academy