Save the date: SONNETS Workshop on “Emerging ICTs and Innovation Potential for the Public Sector”


Venue to be confirmed
10673 Athens

We are pleased to invite you to the SONNETS Workshop on “Emerging ICTs and Innovation Potential for the Public Sector” where you can become an actor in the transformation of the public sector into a technology and innovation leader.

The workshop, scheduled as a half-day session between 10:00 and 16:00, has a strong focus around emerging technologies and trends and aims to present key project outcomes, as well as host presentations of affiliated projects and initiatives, and talks by key stakeholders in the field of public sector transformation.

As an expert in the issues addressed by the SONNETS project, your participation in the workshop is highly valued and your opinions are important to the discussions on the project outcomes and the process of shaping the future of the public sector.

Please note that participation to the workshop entails no fee and that the SONNETS consortium reserves the right to reimburse travel and subsistence costs for a limited number of participants.

Should you be interested in attending our workshop, kindly complete the online registration for the workshop. We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you in Athens!


e-government SONNETS