Digital Infrastructures Händelse 08feb2022 CEF Digital “5G for Smart Communities” call information and matchmaking workshop The European Commission would like to invite you to an online information and matchmaking workshop dedicated to the Connecting Europe…
Digital Infrastructures Händelse 15feb2022 Backbone Connectivity for Digital Global Gateways - Deep Dive & Matchmaking This online session will focus on the CEF Digital call for 'Backbone connectivity for Digital Global Gateways' and will take place on 15 February -…
2030 DIGITAL COMPASS: YOUR DIGITAL DECADE Händelse 31maj2022 5G for Smart Communities: Shaping the Next Call The European Commission would like to invite you to an interactive webinar on 5G Communities: Shaping the Next Call, to be held on 31 May, 10:00 - 11…
2030 DIGITAL COMPASS: YOUR DIGITAL DECADE Händelse 06sep2022 CEF Digital Matchmaking for Ukraine – Digital Global Gateways The European Commission, in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, will host a matchmaking event on 6 September, 10:00…
2030 DIGITAL COMPASS: YOUR DIGITAL DECADE Händelse 20sep2022 Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Digital Matchmaking: 5G for Smart Communities The European Commission is organising an online information and matchmaking session in preparation for the second call for proposals …
2030 DIGITAL COMPASS: YOUR DIGITAL DECADE Händelse 20sep2022 Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Digital info session: Backbone Connectivity for Digital Global Gateways This is an online informative event dedicated to the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Digital programme's call for proposals for ‘Backbone…
2030 DIGITAL COMPASS: YOUR DIGITAL DECADE Händelse 25okt2022 CEF Digital: Virtual Info Day on the Second Calls for Proposals The info day on the new calls launched under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Digital will take place virtually on 25 October from 9.30 to 13.00…
2030 DIGITAL COMPASS: YOUR DIGITAL DECADE Händelse 17-18jan2023 OASC Connected Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities Conference The CSSCC Conference is a unique global opportunity for cities, regions, towns as well as national and international policy makers and businesses to…