The state of digitalisation of SMEs in European regions and of the level of digital preparedness of territories in supporting their digital transformation are the main aspects investigated in the study on "The state of digital transformation at the regional level and COVID-19 induced changes to economy and business models, and their consequences for regions" published in July 2021. The overall scope of the study, carried out by Fondazione FORMIT and Progress Consulting s.r.l. for the European Committee of the Regions, is to highlight which policy actions regional authorities should prioritise to successfully support and accelerate the digital transformation of business during and after the COVID-19 crisis. The study proposes a framework to measure digital preparedness in regions for SME's digital transformation, provides eight examples of successful initiatives undertaken by regional authorities for the digital transformation of business in their regions and analyses the results of a recent survey by the European Committee of the Regions and EUROCHAMBERS on digital preparedness in regions. Conclusions and recommendations to the various stakeholders involved in the digital transformation process of business close the study.

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- Covid-19 digital transformation SMEs Committee of the Regions Eurochambers digital preparedness

Thank you @SimonaCavallini for your contribution. We greatly appreciate it!
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