The Joint Action Plan of the European Commission on online disinformation and its implementation


The exposure of the society to disinformation represents a major challenge for Europe. In this sense, the European Commission works on implementing a set of actions for countering online disinformation, protecting the European Values and democratic systems. The CONNECT University Session on "The Joint Action Plan of the European Commission and its implementation" presented the policy steps taken from early 2017 until to date. European Commission experts highlighted the continuous efforts taken to address the evolving threat of disinformation, and the way forward. 


  • Paolo Cesarini, Head of Unit DG CONNECT I4: Media Convergence and Social Media
  • Lutz Güllner, Head of Strategic Communications, EEAS
  • Harry Panagopulos, Legal Officer DG JUST Unit D3: Union citizenship rights and free movement
  • Jorge Bento Silva, Policy Coordinator DG HOME: Task Force on Security Union

For more sessions on "Tackling online disinformation" please have a look at the full programme.This initiative is jointly organised by DG CONNECT and DG COMM.

Online Disinformation