TTC WG10 Report of the Roundtable on Due Diligence - 3 March 2023

As agreed in the Paris-Saclay Joint Statement of the Trade and Technology Council (TTC) of 16 May 2022, TTC Working Group 10 on ‘Global Trade Challenges’ convened a roundtable discussion on 3 March 2023, under the work strand ‘Trade and Labour’, on the importance of carrying out due diligence on responsible business conduct in supply chains. This event aimed to allow EU and U.S. government representatives, together with labour, business and other key stakeholders, to discuss recent developments, potential areas of cooperation and the role that stakeholders can play in meaningfully implementing due diligence in supply chains. 

This report highlights the main outcomes of this roundtable discussion, including key recommendations by stakeholders.

report front page
TTC WG10 Report of the Roundtable on Due Diligence - 3 March 2023
(504.9 KB - PDF)