Looking back at the EUKN Policy Lab on Urban Mobility, Prague, 14 November 2017

An international seminar - called Policy Lab - on the topic of urban mobility took place in Prague on 14 November 2017. The event was organised by the Czech Ministry for Regional Development in cooperation with the European Urban Knowledge Network (EUKN) EGTC.

This year's EUKN Policy Lab was directly linked to the Partnership on Urban Mobility and was attended by international guests and experts on urban mobility. Dr Nuno Pinto from the University of Manchester and Teemu Surakka from Aalto University in Helsinki shared with the participants their know-how in the field of urban mobility, specifically with regard to Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) and a new approach called Mobility as a Service (MaaS). The Policy Lab was attended by representatives of other ministerial departments, towns, as well as of universities and non-profit organisations.

Find more information in Czech on the Ministry's website.

urban mobility SUMP mobility as a service Policy Lab EUKN