2nd selection round of EU cities under International Urban Cooperation

International Urban Cooperation (IUC) for parings with India, China, Japan, Chile, US and Peru): http://www.iuc.eu/city-pairings/. Application form: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/iuc_applic_form_2

Cities in the member states of the European Union who wish to exchange with a city facing similar challenges in another global region can benefit from the International Urban Cooperation (IUC) city-to-city cooperation programme on sustainable urban development – the deadline to apply is March 8, 2018 (Thursday night at midnight CET). The programme aims to foster links between EU cities and those in Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and North America. Through the programme, local leaders will be able to connect and gain new perspectives on pressing sustainable development issues.

At this time, it is possible for EU cities to apply for pairings with ChinaChileJapanIndiaPeru or the USA. For more information, please click here.

development cooperation sustainable Urban Agenda cities urban International Urban Cooperation IUC pairing