Help us shape the workshop discussions of the European AI Alliance Assembly


Dear members of the AI Alliance,


The day of the European AI Alliance Assembly is approaching and we would like to share with you some of the main questions to be addressed at the event.



Take a few minutes to shape the discussion in advance! Your replies will kick-off the parallel workshops addressing Europe’s competitiveness, necessary research & skills, ethical & legal questions and societal & environmental issues.



--> Visit and enter the code #AIAlliance to reply to the poll! <--


Click here to see the full agenda of the event

AI Artificial Intelligence AI alliance


Profile picture for user n002s9e4
Poslal Maldwyn Palmer Čet, 04/07/2019 - 14:44

An inherent part of "AI" is data. 

Data shapes the final predictions and output of statistical information. When warning of the danger of algorithms etc. this must be to the forefont of any discussions. Biased data, biased outcomes.