Call for survey participants: Women & AI

Dear Members of the European AI Alliance,

I am writing to you today to ask you to support a piece of research we at the Women’s Forum for the Economy & Society have launched to inform our activities to increase the participation of women in AI and to capitalise on AI’s potential to redress women’s status in society. 

The survey aims to understand the existence, nature and extent of implementation of AI policies in organisations in relation to gender. Based on the research, we will develop a pledge for action to inspire organisations to adopt effective gender-lens AI policies in the pursuit of building inclusive AI.

We are looking for individuals to take part in an anonymous survey questionnaire, specifically individuals with roles involved in technology implementation, operations, D&I, and those in developer roles.

The Daring Circle’s Knowledge Partner, FTI Consulting, is conducting the survey on the Women’s Forum’s behalf. To confirm, all data collected through the survey will be anonymous. We will not be reporting on any personal responses. Data collected will be kept in the EU/EEA and we will be closing the survey by the end of August 2019.

This online survey should take under 10 minutes, and you can complete it at any time, location and internet device most convenient to you.

To start, just click on the link below:

We would be very grateful for your support in sharing this survey with your networks and colleagues, and indeed taking it yourselves if you think appropriate.

Thank you in advance for your support, and we look forward to sharing the results of the survey with the Alliance group. Please don’t hesitate to reach out directly to discuss the project further or provide further information.


Warm regards,

Sophie Lambin

Editorial Partner, Women’s Forum for the Economy & Society

Artificial Intelligence AI women AI alliance AIforGood