E-Government on the foundation of an internet of human beings

Internet of things is good for Industry 4.0, but for e-Government or e-Democracy we need an internet of human beings. This would imply a Copernical turn of the principles of internet, because with the current internet humans are depending on the internet of things (technology). With such a Coperical turn the internet of things (technology) would be depending on human beings. The expert is happy to explain the idea, please feel free to contact Erich Ortner (e.ortner@technum.biz).

Citizen Digital interaction


Profile picture for user MarenKuschnerus
Poslal Maren KUSCHNERUS Tor, 20/09/2016 - 15:14

...we would need an interdisplinary research team with computer scientists, lawyers, social scientists and for the final implementation also politicians and finally human beings who live the idea in their daily lives. The City of Tengen in Germany uses this principle already for community purposes to organise themselves to fix their city etc. This creates a high level social interaction (pariticipatory society). And. of course, as we do already now, we will always need to reflect on the appropriate level of government (multilevel approach/subsidiarity).

Who can invest?
This would be a typical high level project in the frame of societal challenges in H2020.

The current internet functions the other way around. I.e. it would be necessary to create several hot spots of innovative Internet of human beings and ensure that the legal framework supports this idea. What about such a project in a cross-border region? What about the legal conditions on both sides of the boarder, on (public) funds, etc....

Examples -> City of Tengen www.tengen.de