The outcomes of CESCI’s 4th Legal Accessibility project are now available

With the support of the Hungarian Ministry of Justice, CESCI has implemented the fourth Legal accessibility project in 2019 whose results are now available online.

In 2016, CESCI launched the implementation of a series of projects with a view to unfolding and diminishing administrative and legal obstacles along the Hungarian borders.


In 2019, the 4th project dealt with two broad topics:

1) the ensurance of the enforcement of patient rights through the support for cross-border patient mobility;

2) exploration of the legal background of cross-border developments in public procurement.

The Final Report provides an overview on the activities and the results of the project within the framework of which CESCI (with the involvement of experts)

  • organised the second meeting of National Ambulance Services of Hungary and its neighbours and a study visit to the Czech-Austrian border where the institutions already share their ambulance services across the border,
  • analysed four border hospitals around Hungary and elaborated legal proposals on the cross-border movement of ambulance cars as well as on cross-border patient mobility, and
  • analysed the legal environment of cross-border public procurement.

As a result, also two guides were compiled: one on the way of organising cross-border health care, and another on cross-border public procurement addressing the EGTCs. Furthermore, the Hungarian, Slovak and Austrian Ambulance Services started negotiations on the cross-border share of their services based on the results of the meetings organised by CESCI.


EGTC legal accessibility CESCI cross-border health cross-border public procurement institutional matters