Urban Mobility Partnership: Political Recommendation


The Urban Mobility Partnership, established in 2017 within the framework of the Urban Agenda for the EU, has issued a political recommendation paper regarding the involvement of municipalities, cities and regions in the multi-annual financial planning.


The detailed recommendations are: 

  1. National policy priorities should be identified based on a comprehensive partnership dialogue with cities and regions. It is also crucial to ensure an integrated planning approach with the rural level. 
  2. Urban and regional authorities should be directly involved in selecting the thematic priorities and the instruments to implement the support to sustainable territorial development. 
  3. The European code of conduct on the partnership principle should be integrated in the regulatory framework of cohesion policy. An ex-ante conditionality on the full application of the partnership principle should be introduced with the fulfilment of which being a condition to the adoption of each operational programme.


This recommendation may not reflect the official positions of individual members of the Partnership.

partnership urban mobility recommendation financial planning