"Investments in 5G Connectivity" - about this community

We warmly welcome you to a community where you can learn more about present and future investments in 5G (5th generation mobile network) connectivity all around Europe. A forum where you can exchange views and ideas on existing 5G services, and share content that you have come across on 5G-operated applications in a wide range of sectors, from health to public administration and education.

Under the section “Connect & Propose” you can share with other members of the community examples of 5G projects you have been involved in or any experience you may have in promoting and investing in 5G connectivity in your local community. This is also a place where you can share and discuss proposed investment actions for the future, as well as partner with potential project partners. 

Under the section “Library/Videos” you can find a list of existing EU actions, programmes and initiatives to boost 5G connectivity, with a focus on the recently approved digital branch of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF Digital) programme. Here, you can also find and contribute to a list of recommended readings, critical sources, reports and papers on key 5G and connectivity-related questions.

Under the sections "News" and "Events" you can stay up to date with developments in 5G connectivity and access a calendar of upcoming events related to it. 

We are delighted to welcome you to the Investments in 5G Connectivity Community and look forward to interesting project proposals and constructive debates.

Understanding 5G for Smart Communities