TAII Framework Canvas

Dear all, I want to share the TAII Framework Canvas as a workshop tool for the implementation of trustworthy AI systems. The TAII Framework has been published in ROBONOMICS: The Journal of the Automated Economy, 2, 17 (2021) and is available at https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3914105

The TAII Framework offers organizations and companies a first orientation in 12 steps for the implementation of trustworthy AI. It also includes a strong focus on the analysis of social implications through the whole AI system development process. Thus, within the iterative framework, additional aspects such as the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals, UN Human Rights, effects on the business model, supply chain, stakeholders, certifications, etc. are included.

The TAII Framework Canvas covers the 12 steps of the holistic framework on the one side and generates many possibilities for group interaction between different stakeholders by using a similar approach as in the Design Thinking methodology.



TAII Framework Canvas
Artificial Intelligence Trustworthy AI ai ethics digital social innovation