The mountain refuges of the Pyrenees unite in a common project

ENTREPYR-II is a project that aims to jointly promote 70 mountain refuges in the Pyrenees (in Spain, France and Andorra).

ENTREPYR makes it possible to book accommodation in a French, Spanish or Andorran mountain hut from a single website available July the 1st. The main advantage is the accessibility of the information and the ease of booking and planning routes for any mountain hut in the Pyrenees, regardless of the country of origin.

The project aims to encourage permanent cross-border collaboration and provide all the refuges in the Pyrenees (almost 100) with international promotion tools thanks to the creation of an innovative Pyrenean tourism product, which will raise international awareness of refuges that currently have no access to it.

ENTREPYR-II will also improve environmental sustainability and set up two joint working spaces for companies and organisations linked to the refuges: a cross-border association and a Pyrenean refuge observatory.

In collaboration with the University of Toulouse, the project has developed the Cross-border Observatory of Pyrenean Refuges, carrying out a study of the profile of refuge users, both through the analysis of data from the refuges and their managers and surveys carried out in the refuges. Through the observatory, the project provides the managers of the refuges, the micro-companies formed by the rangers and all the tourist agents on both sides of the Pyrenees with a common tool for the study and knowledge of the activity and the frequentation of the refuges.

This observatory is above all a comparative analysis tool for the refuges. It collects the information data of the 87 existing refuges. This database on the number of visitors will be made available to tourist offices or other interested parties.

An interesting fact: only 50% of the refuges have wifi, but there is no desire on the part of users to use it, so extending coverage will not be a priority for future investment.


Hikers arriving to Larribet Refuge
Mountain refuges accomodation Pyrenees tourism evidence and data Information services